
校园安全 exists to protect the people and property of 沃拉沃拉大学. We strive to minimize the likelihood of criminal activity and promote awareness of safety and security issues in a timely manner.

申报资料- Information may be reported in verbal or written form to any local law enforcement officer or any of the student officers, 巡逻主管, 或者保安主任.

资讯管制- All information that passes through the Security Office is considered confidential and is not passed on to uninvolved parties. Information is received on a voluntary basis.

识别, Access to and use of buildings after hours requires proper identification and written authorization. Security personnel routinely check buildings and everyone is expected to comply with the Departments requests for identification. The Security department will not allow individuals access into secured areas without proper identification and/or permission from a member of the department responsible for the area in question.

Entrances into Student Residences - No person of the opposite sex will be admitted into residence hall rooms without the express permission of The Residence Hall Dean. Male visitors are welcome in the lobby area of the Women's residence hall until 12:00 am. A monitor is assigned to the front desk of each residence hall 24 hours a day, and regular area checks of the residence halls are done by Security

征集, Door-to-door selling of any product by any group is prohibited on campus unless written authorization is given by the Vice President for Student 政府.

押解政策- Escorts are provided from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am anywhere within a 2-block radius of the campus boundaries. To arrange for an escort, call the security office at 527-2222. Our patrol officer may not be able to pick you up immediately, but in most cases you should not have to wait more than 10 to 15 minutes.

〇人身安全 Programs and information intended to educate the public on personal safety are made available through out the school year.

〇恶作剧电话 Most prank phone callers only want to annoy you, some want to frighten you. The worst is the obscene call. Remember, the remedy for all types of prank call is the same - HANG UP! You cannot be annoyed or frightened if you won't listen. Make sure to note the exact time of each call.

Criminal, Fire and Medical Emergencies - 沃拉沃拉大学 has a close working relationship with the local police and fire departments. 当犯罪, fire or medical emergencies occur on campus one or both of these departments may likely become involved. In these cases, the Security department assumes an assisting role to these agencies.

If you witness or become otherwise aware of a crime, fire or medical emergency in progress, please report it to the Walla Walla County Dispatch Center (911) and 校园安全 (2222). Non life-threatening injuries should be reported to the Student 健康 Center (527-2425) immediately.

沃拉沃拉大学 enjoys a considerably safe environment, but any crime is too much. In order to reduce the crime rate on campus, your help is needed. As a member of the University community, it is vitally important that you be aware of any unusual or suspicious activity. Be sure to report such things to the Police department (911), and/or to the Security office (527-2222) immediately..

Our director and staff provide a number of services and resources to the WWU Community, including information on campus policies, 事件报告, 以及应急准备. 请打电话给, 电子邮件, or visit our office if you have questions, concerns, or are in need of assistance.

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